The DTIS (Diagnostic Trade Integration Study) 2007 involved an in-depth analysis of export performance, demands from world markets, domestic supply conditions and human development implications, as well as trade- related legal and institutional action plans for 19 potential exports intended to strengthen the business and investment environment for exports. However, it did not touch upon other important aspects such as comparative production costs of selected agricultural goods, marketing chains, challenges and opportunities for agricultural production and marketing and regional market flows. Since no study has focused on these issues with a view to enhancing agricultural trade in the GMS, this study is designed to fill this gap. The overall objective is to examine how agricultural trade in the region can be promoted in a manner that will optimise the benefits and minimise the negative impacts. The study selected cassava and rubber for in-depth analysis for two reasons: (1) they have not been significantly studied in the past, and (2) their potential importance for employment creation and poverty reduction.
Agricultural Trade in the Greater Mekong Subregion
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