World Teachers Day 2012 CITA Report

On October 5, 1966, UNESCO and ILO published the Recommendation Concerning the Status of Teachers. In 1994 UNESCO proclaimed that October 5th would be celebrate as World Teacher’s Day; a day on which the contributions of those working in the field of education would be recognized all over the world. The theme chosen for World Teachers Day 2012 was “Take A Stand for Teachers”, this theme was used by teachers’ unions around the world to address issues that affect teachers in within their education sectors. In Cambodia, the Cambodian Independent Teacher’s Association (CITA) organized national celebrations to recognize World Teachers Day 2012. CITA was established in March 2000 and formally registered with the Ministry of the Interior (MoI) in July 2001. CITA is the only independent, nonpartisan, non-profit, non- governmental teachers’ union in Cambodia, and represents close to 10,000 teachers through 21 branches across the country. Through national and international campaigning, CITA advocates for the improvement of the condition and status of teachers, and lobbies the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) to recognize teachers’ rights.

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