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Roles and Rights of Youth in Social Development by Jong Deoung

On October 14, 2024, Activizen group conducted the fourth project called Jong Deoung in Mondulkiri Province. As part of this initiative, they organized two training sessions under the theme “Roles and Rights of Youth in Social Development” at Opley Secondary School and in Polu Village, both located in the districts of Pichreada. These sessions, supported by the village chief and the school principal, brought together 24 young women, focusing on promoting education and emphasizing the vital role and rights of youth in social engagement.

The morning session followed a structured agenda that included three main activities: a discussion on “The Role and Rights of Youth in Social Development,” digital literacy and civic participation training, and an overview of civil and political rights. Participants also had the chance to hear about social work opportunities and gain insights from the youth group’s own experiences in community projects.

As a result, the youth who participated demonstrated a strong commitment to learning and engaging in social issues, expanding their knowledge and building the skills necessary for future community development.

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