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Shop ‘Til They Drop: Fainting and Malnutrition in Garment Workers in Cambodia

Publication Year: --  / Sources: Labour Behind the Label and Community Legal Education Centre

The premise of this report is that malnutrition, due to low wages and time poverty, is endemic in Cambodia’s garment workers. This has led to a situation where workers producing high street fashion for western markets are constantly weak and prone to collapse, triggered by any of the causes listed above.

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Rapid assessment on child labour in the sugarcane sector in selected areas in Cambodia: A comparative analysis

Publication Year: 2015  / Sources: International Labour Organization (ILO)

Cambodia has ratified the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182) and ILO Convention on Minimum Age for Admission to Employment, 1973 (No. 138). The ILO together with the Royal Government of Cambodia, trade unions, employers and other partners has been working intensively on the issue of child labour in Cambodia since the mid-1990s. Progress has been made, however, challenges remain in the effective application of the ILO Conventions with as many as one in ten children remaining in child labour.

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Cambodia Education 2015: Employment and Empowerment

Publication Year: 2015  / Sources: Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI)

Access to quality education and achieving educational potential, especially among youth, who form the bedrock of future growth and development, are important ends in themselves. Not only does education contribute to income growth and help lift people out of poverty, it also enables them to take advantage of economic, social and political opportunities and puts individuals in control of their own destiny, allowing them to better enjoy their lives.

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Cambodia Early Reading and Writing: Promising EFA Practices in the Asia-Pacific Region, Case Study

Publication Year: 2015  / Sources: UNESCO

Improvements in education in Cambodia have been remarkable over the past decade, especially in terms of access. This achievement is a result of continued commitment by the government, development partners and donor countries to reaching Cambodia’s development goals, including those in the education sector. This section presents a summary of the achievements relating to each of the EFA goals.

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The National Education For All 2015 Review Report

Publication Year: 2015  / Sources: National Education For All Committee

The development of skilled human resources with quality, ability and virtue is a key priority for Cambodia. The Royal Government envisages that Cambodia will step into lower–middle income country status by 2030 and attain developed country status by 2050. In working towards this goal the education sector continues to give priority to the improvement of education quality and relevance to the needs of the labor market.

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