The purpose of this report is to investigate the economic argument for investing in safe schools. The report specifically looks at evidence around the three pillars of the Comprehensive Safe Schools Framework (CSSF), namely: 1) safe learning facilities; 2) school disaster management; and 3) risk reduction and resilience education.
Download: English | KhmerThis book is a tool to help people to understand and take advocacy actions against gender discrimination in Cambodia. It looks at ways to advocate for the reduction and elimination of gender discriminatory practices at work and in communities and how we can influence policy change.
Download: English | KhmerIn Cambodia, Plan International has targeted efforts to increase marginalised and vulnerable children’s access to education, learning and has promoted child participation. However, Plan recognises that marginalised and vulnerable children still face challenges.
Download: English | KhmerThis publication describes the experiences of children who are engaged as primary actor in solving their own problems. This publication follows the good practice document titled ” Building a Protection System for Children in the Community in Cambodia”.
Download: English | KhmerCambodia has a large population of recent rural-to-urban migrants, predominantly between the ages of 18 and 30, which is clustered around the garment manufacturing industry. Up to half a million people are estimated to be working in the garment industry; approximately 85% of these are women.
Download: English | KhmerThis report presents findings from a baseline study carried out in specific districts of five Asian countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan and Vietnam, as part of a programme to address School Related Gender based Violence (SRGBV) in the region.
Download: English | KhmerThis report presents an overview of the findings of four separate studies conducted in vulnerable communities in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Vietnam on knowledge, attitudes and practices related to child sexual abuse, including in travel and tourism. The studies were undertaken to contribute to the design and conceptual platform of Project Childhood Prevention Pillar.
Download: English | KhmerThe review aims to understand the legislation and policy in Cambodia related to physical and humiliating punishment of children and to contribute to the development of Save the Children’s Child Protection Strategy 2016- 2018.
Download: English | KhmerCambodia is a developing country that is still recovering from violent conflict that killed and displaced millions of people and severely weakened traditional community and family structures. Poverty, related social pressures and secondary trauma continue to make life extremely challenging for many Cambodians, who now make up a population of 14 million. Half of these are children, and they face numerous protection challenges.
Download: English | KhmerEducation is a fundamental human right and essential for the exercise of all human rights. It also promotes individual freedom and empowerment and yields important development benefits. An educated population is a necessary foundation for a modern, productive and knowledge – based economy that can effectively participate in today’s globalized world.
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