The Precarious Status of Migrants in Thailand: Reflections on the Exodus of Cambodian Migrants and Lessons Learnt

Publication Year: --  / Sources: Mekong Migration Network (MMN)

In June 2014 as the media began to report the arrest and deportation of migrant workers, the number of Cambodian migrants who were being repatriated or leaving Thailand quickly rose. In the face of this unprecedented phenomenon, both governmental and non governmental agencies were struggling to meet the needs of those who returned to Cambodia.

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Cambodia’s Labor Migration: Analysis of the Legal Framework

Publication Year: 2011  / Sources: The Asia Foundation

The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) continues to develop policies concerning the migration of the Cambodian workforce overseas as a way of increasing domestic economic growth and combating unemployment. As regular migration for labor increases so does irregular migration.The Report analyzed the rules that govern regular migration while identifying legislation that can be employed to protect those who become victims during irregular migration and be used against those who perpetrate and profit from it.

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Recruitment Agencies and the Employment of Cambodian Domestic Workers in Malaysia

Publication Year: 2011  / Sources: United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking (UNIAP)

This research seeks to examine the process through which Cambodian female workers are recruited for the Malaysian domestic labour sector. It focuses on four keys aspects within the context of the existing legal frameworks: recruitment of workers, labour contracts, pre-departure training, and working conditions.

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Labour Market Transitions of Young Women and Men in Cambodia 2014

Publication Year: 2015  / Sources: National Institute of Statistics (NIS) & International Labour Organization (ILO)

The work ethic is strong in Cambodia and job opportunities for youth are abundant, at least for the lesser skilled. Nearly three-fourths of Cambodian young people aged 15 to 29 years are already working. Unemployment is very low, although the rate increases slightly among more educated youth reflecting the current structure of demand in the country.

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Shop ‘Til They Drop: Fainting and Malnutrition in Garment Workers in Cambodia

Publication Year: --  / Sources: Labour Behind the Label and Community Legal Education Centre

The premise of this report is that malnutrition, due to low wages and time poverty, is endemic in Cambodia’s garment workers. This has led to a situation where workers producing high street fashion for western markets are constantly weak and prone to collapse, triggered by any of the causes listed above.

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Rapid assessment on child labour in the sugarcane sector in selected areas in Cambodia: A comparative analysis

Publication Year: 2015  / Sources: International Labour Organization (ILO)

Cambodia has ratified the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182) and ILO Convention on Minimum Age for Admission to Employment, 1973 (No. 138). The ILO together with the Royal Government of Cambodia, trade unions, employers and other partners has been working intensively on the issue of child labour in Cambodia since the mid-1990s. Progress has been made, however, challenges remain in the effective application of the ILO Conventions with as many as one in ten children remaining in child labour.

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Out From Behind Closed Doors: A Study On Domestic Workers In Cambodia

Publication Year: 2015  / Sources: UN Women

This study aims to fill the knowledge gaps regarding domestic work in Cambodia and provide the information necessary for stakeholders to develop evidence-based and results-driven interventions to enhance the promotion and protection of domestic workers’ rights.

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Gender Equality in the Labor Market in Cambodia

Publication Year: 2013  / Sources: International Labor Organization (ILO) & Asian Development Bank (ADB)

The report comprises a gendered analysis of Cambodia’s labor market, policies, and legislation and provides recommendations for policies and legislation that have the potential to expand or improve employment and work opportunities for women in specific sectors in Cambodia. The report provides a summary of findings and recommendations that are specifically relevant for Cambodia from an analysis of gender equality and the labor markets in Cambodia.

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Women and Migration in Cambodia

Publication Year: 2013  / Sources: Ministry of Planning

Migration is an important trend in Cambodia and across Southeast Asia. Increasing numbers of Cambodian women are seeking employment and education opportunities in Phnom Penh, other urban and rural areas, or internationally. This report analyzes data from the Cambodian RuralUrban Migration Project, a nationally representative sample of 3,500 rural households with a migrant, 1,500 rural households without a migrant, and 1,000 recent migrants to Phnom Penh.

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More Vulnerable: The Impact of the Economic Downturn on Women in Cambodia

Publication Year: 2010  / Sources: Oxfam

In Cambodia, women are most vulnerable because the sectors in which they are most active – for example, export manufacturing, the garment industry, restaurant and tourism services – were hardest hit by the crisis, causing huge job cuts. On the family front, women tend to be responsible for family welfare; thus, the reduction in earning and remittances is likely to have adverse impacts on women.

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