This report is the third component of the UNDP-CO ASP initiative mentioned above. It builds on a Situation Analysis (Béné and Tech 2014) and two Theory of Change workshops (Manda and Yamamoto 2014) that were organized and facilitated by UNDP-CO in Cambodia in the months preceding the production of this Strategy Paper. Both the Situation Analysis and the Theory of Change workshops were aimed at generating useful background information for the Strategy Paper. The Strategy Paper outlines a framework (a roadmap) around which the three communities of practice in Cambodia would find practical opportunities to collaborate in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of ASP interventions. The paper envisions a 10-year implementation horizon, while focusing primarily on major actions during the first 5-year period. Those actions include: awareness raising, identifying entry points, building capacity, learning by doing, and developing effective partnerships with government stakeholders, civil society, and development partners.
Adaptive Social Protection in Cambodia
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