Democracy, Election and Reform in Cambodia

The report first analyzes the state of democratic governance on the base of the principle of separation and limitations of power. This analysis includes parliamentarianism, the rule of law and government accountability and transparency. Afterwards follows an analysis of the state of democratic elections. Since in 2012 no elections were held, the report concentrates on potential electoral reforms, the annual voter registration and prospects for the senate elections in 2012. Thereafter follows an analysis of the state of democratic competition in Cambodia. In this part will be assessed, if there is an equitable access to media and state resources for all political parties. Moreover the analysis will look into the role of the political discourse in 2011 for the democratiza- tion process. This follows an assessment of the state of democratic participation including an as- sessment of the freedoms of expression, assembly and association. Special focus will be given to the role of women in the democratization process. Moreover results of a COMFEL survey concerning citizen’s political participation will be analyzed. The report concludes with recommendations and perspectives to the question how democratization can be further advanced and sustained in future.

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