The primary purpose of this Report is to encourage the RGC to continue in its efforts to adopt freedom of information legislation and to facilitate greater access to information. The Report looks at freedom of information principles, the status of the right to freedom of information in international law, and how access to information is currently dealt with in Cambodian laws. The Report also examines the difficulties that ordinary Cambodians face on a day-to-day basis when attempting to access information. The Report uses as examples four areas that CCHR has identified as being particularly important in so far as freedom of information is concerned – corruption (Chapter Four), the media (Chapter Five), the rule of law (Chapter Six), and resources and land (Chapter Seven). It also outlines structures and mechanisms that could be put in place to facilitate greater access to information, and provides recommendations for the content of a freedom of information law.
Freedom of Information in Cambodia: A right to know or a culture of secrecy?
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