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Global Wage Report 2014/15 – Wages and Income inequality

Publication Year: 2015  / Sources: International Labor Organization (ILO)

The Global Wage Report 2014/15 presents both the latest trends in average wages and an analysis of the role of wages in income inequality. The first part of the report shows that global wage growth in recent years was driven by emerging and developing economies, where real wages have been rising since 2007 although wage growth slowed in 2013 compared to 2012. In developed economies, wages generally remained stagnant in 2012 and 2013, and in a number of countries wages remained below their 2007 level. These trends are a matter of concern.

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ILO Policy Brief on Youth Employment in Cambodia

Publication Year: 2007  / Sources: International Labor Organization (ILO)

Cambodia has a young population with 39 per cent of the population in 2004 below 15 years of age, down from 43 per cent in 1998. By 2004 the dependency ratio showing the children and elderly as a percentage of the intermediate group was 74 per cent.1 Youth aged 15–24 represented 22 percent of the population that year. Large numbers of young people are entering
the labour force as a result of a baby boom in the 1980s. Measures must be taken to ensure that youth do not add to underemployment in the countryside or lead to higher rates of urban unemployment but instead contribute to growth and development through productive employment.

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Volunteerism: Harnessing the Potential to Develop Cambodia

Publication Year: 2008  / Sources: Youth Star Cambodia & United Nations Volunteers

Youth Star Cambodia and United Nations Volunteers Cambodia commissioned a research project on volunteers and their contribution to national development. While volunteers are widely present in development, there is little current information that assesses their contributions. The research project began in December 2007, and the fieldwork concluded at the end of February 2008.
The aims of the research were to:
1. get a clear picture of the current volunteer infrastructure and environment in Cambodia, including the profiles of volunteers, their communities and their projects;
2. provide recommendations on how opportunities for Cambodians to volunteer can be increased and a clear understanding of the needs within volunteering organisations;
3. explore ways in which volunteerism can be better integrated and linked to national development objectives and initiatives;
4. provide recommendations on how donor support could be better targeted to increase volunteer participation in sustainable development.

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2014 Post-UPR National Consultation Outcome Report

Publication Year: 2014  / Sources: Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR)

This Outcome Report summarizes presentations, panel discussions and small group discussions undertaken during the 2014 Post-Universal Periodic Review National Consultation organized by CCHR and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (“OHCHR”) in Cambodia.

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Outcome Report: Workshop for Youth on Electoral Reform

Publication Year: 2014  / Sources: Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR)

This report summarizes the issues raised and recommendations of participants during the Workshop for Youth on Electoral Reform. The objectives of this event was to provide opportunities for youth participants to identify key concerns regarding electoral reform and to develop recommendations, in addition to learning about substantive issues regarding to political participation and electoral reform.

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