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Eliminating Physical and Humiliating Punishment of Children in Cambodia: A Review of Existing Legislation and Policy
Publication Year: 2015 / Sources: Save the ChildrenThe review aims to understand the legislation and policy in Cambodia related to physical and humiliating punishment of children and to contribute to the development of Save the Children’s Child Protection Strategy 2016- 2018.
Download: English | KhmerGuide to Community Based Child Protection
Publication Year: 2014 / Sources: Save the ChildrenCambodia is a developing country that is still recovering from violent conflict that killed and displaced millions of people and severely weakened traditional community and family structures. Poverty, related social pressures and secondary trauma continue to make life extremely challenging for many Cambodians, who now make up a population of 14 million. Half of these are children, and they face numerous protection challenges.
Download: English | KhmerPromoting Rights in Schools: The State of Children’s Rights in Cambodian Primary Schools
Publication Year: 2012 / Sources: NGO Education Partnership and ActionAidEducation is a fundamental human right and essential for the exercise of all human rights. It also promotes individual freedom and empowerment and yields important development benefits. An educated population is a necessary foundation for a modern, productive and knowledge – based economy that can effectively participate in today’s globalized world.
Download: English | KhmerThe Middle Way: Bridging the Gap Between Cambodian Culture and Children’s Rights
Publication Year: 2009 / Sources: NGO Committee on the Rights of the Child (NGOCRC)This research addresses the lack of comprehensive information available in Cambodia relating to knowledge, attitudes, and practice of ‘children’s rights’ as defined by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). For more than a dozen years, awareness-raising about children’s rights (CR) has been a prominent feature of the development work landscape in Cambodia.
Download: English | KhmerA Study of Attitudes Towards Residential Care in Cambodia
Publication Year: 2011 / Sources: Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth RehabilitationThis study seeks to understand prevailing attitudes towards residential care in Cambodia and build evidence for policy and advocacy purposes, particularly public awareness campaigns. This research is also important in light of the growing realization that a comprehensive social protection system is needed in Cambodia, with the provision of family and child welfare services being an important component.
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