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Effects of Weather Factors on Dengue Fever Incidence and Implications for Interventions in Cambodia

Publication Year: 2016  / Sources: BioMed Central Public Health

Dengue viruses and their mosquito vectors are sensitive to their environment. Temperature, rainfall and humidity have well-defined roles in the transmission cycle. Therefore changes in these conditions may contribute to increasing incidence. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between weather factors and dengue incidence in three provinces in Cambodia, in order to strengthen the evidence basis of dengue control strategies in this high-burden country.

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Strengthening Health Professions Regulation in Cambodia: A Rapid Assessment

Publication Year: 2016  / Sources: Human Resources for Health

This paper describes a rapid assessment of Cambodia’s current system for regulating its health professions. The assessment forms part of a co-design process to set strategic priorities for strengthening health profession regulation to improve the quality and safety of health services.

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The Rule of Law Index Report – Cambodia – From 2012 to 2015

Publication Year: 2012 to 2015  / Sources: The World Justice Project

The Index is the world’s most comprehensive data set of its kind and the only to rely solely on primary data, measuring a nation’s adherence to the rule of law from the perspective of how ordinary people experience it.The Index is intended for a broad audience of policy makers, civil society, practitioners, academics, and others. The rule of law is not the rule of lawyers and judges; all elements of society are stakeholders.

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Global Competitiveness Report-Cambodia : 2006-2016

Publication Year: 2006 to 2016  / Sources: World Economic Forum

The Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) is a yearly report published by the World Economic Forum. The report “assesses the ability of countries to provide high levels of prosperity to their citizens. This in turn depends on how productively a country uses available resources. Therefore, the Global Competitiveness Index measures the set of institutions, policies, and factors that set the sustainable current and medium-term levels of economic prosperity.”

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Status of the World’s Soil Resources: Regional Assessment of Soil Change in Asia

Publication Year: 2015  / Sources: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

This chapter describes the status of soil resources in the member countries of the Asian Soil Partnership (ASP), which includes East Asia, Southeast Asia (11 countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia…etc.) and South Asia. In general, Asia enjoys a warm and seasonally humid climate and is well-endowed with natural resources for agriculture. . In particular, rapid economic development and urbanization are changing land management systems in many countries, and climate change has emerged as a significant source of risks. These changes are having major impacts on the status of soil resources in the region.

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