Still Banking on Land Grabs

Publication Year: 2016  / Sources: Oxfam Australia

Land grabs — often involving forced evictions — are still taking place in some of the world’s poorest countries. This is having devastating impacts on the lives of vulnerable rural communities. Over the last 15 years, 40 million hectares have changed hands through large-scale land acquisitions — much of which is linked to agriculture and timber land grabs.

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The Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2016 : Cambodia

Publication Year: 2015  / Sources: World Economic Forum

The Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2016 assesses the competitiveness landscape of 140 economies, providing insight into the drivers of their productivity and prosperity. The Report series remains the most comprehensive assessment of national competitiveness worldwide.

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Cooperate Integrity System

Publication Year: 2015  / Sources: Transparency International Cambodia

A Corporate Integrity System (CIS) is an essential component in ensuring business integrity. The implementation of such a system has been shown to lead to cost savings and to reduce the possibility of nepotism, conflict of interest and corruption. TI Cambodia now offers companies assistance with the implementation of a CIS, free of charge.

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International Business Standards on Anti-bribery

Publication Year: 2015  / Sources: Transparency International Cambodia

This paper examines the various international standards available on anti-bribery. It gives an overview on the benefits and challenges of integrating these standards into current business practices in Cambodia and highlights case studies from within the region that have successfully implemented them.

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Bribespot for Private Companies

Publication Year: 2015  / Sources: Transparency International Cambodia

Bribe reporting application, Bribespot, tracks and reports bribes anonymously. By receiving reports about key areas where bribery occurs from a private sector perspective, TI Cambodia can identify corruption hotspots. With this information we have an evidence-based platform for advocacy so we can work for change in crucial areas important to the private sector.

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Asia-Pacific Trade Briefs: Cambodia

Publication Year: 2014  / Sources: United Nations Economic and Social Comission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

Cambodia’s merchandise exports grew strongly by 18.7% in 2013. Additionally, services exports grew by 10%. This was considerably higher than both the Asia-Pacific average of 2.1% growth in merchandise exports and the 4.9% growth in services exports.

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The Economic Burden of the Health Consequences of Violence Against Children in Cambodia

Publication Year: 2015  / Sources: Royal Government of Cambodia & UNICEF Cambodia

Violence against children exists in every country in the world, cutting across culture, class, education, income and ethnic origin. Sadly, Cambodia is no exception. Childhood violence can have lifelong adverse health, social and economic consequences for survivors, including behavioural problems and cognitive dysfunction; mental and physical health conditions…etc.

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International Debt Statistics 2016

Publication Year: 2016  / Sources: World Bank Group

International Debt Statistics 2016 focuses on financial flows, trends in external debt, and other major financial indicators for low-, middle-, and high-income countries. The report includes more than 200 time series indicators from 1970 to 2014 for most reporting countries.

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Asian Economic Integration Report 2015: How Can Special Economic Zones Catalyze Economic Development?

Publication Year: 2015  / Sources: Asian Development Bank

Asia’s trade has slowed faster than world trade; trade growth has been below economic growth since 2012. Structural factors such as slower expansion of global value chains and growth moderation in the People’s Republic of China may be at play, but the region must embrace further efforts to make trade and investment regimes more open.

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Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment in Cambodia

Publication Year: 2015  / Sources: Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Women’s economic empowerment is essential for more inclusive growth in Cambodia. This study takes stock of the major gender issues in the Cambodian economy seen through the lens of women’s participation, benefit, and agency—the three prerequisites for a fairer distribution of the benefits of growth. It examines trends in the labor market and obstacles to women’s economic empowerment, particularly in agriculture, business development, and wage employment.

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