Best Cities Ranking and Report

Publication Year: 2012  / Sources: Economist Intelligence Unit

This report was shared by Economist Intelligent Unit (EIU). EIU has studies on hundreds of countries around the world to ranking best cities. Cambodia was one of 10 bottom country in the list.

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They Will Need Land!

Publication Year: 2016  / Sources: Jean-Christophe, Mekong Region Land Governance

They Will Need Land!
The current land tenure situation and future land allocation needs of smallholder farmers in Cambodia

The objective of this background paper is to provide a succinct description of the land tenure situation in Cambodia and, on that basis, discuss the needs smallholder farmers have for land, projected up to the year 2030. The main problem it examines lies at the intersection between, on one hand, the demographic increase in the rural smallholder population and its associated need for land in the future (the demand side) and, on the other hand, the possibility offered by the different land tenure regimes to meet this demand (the supply side); the central question focuses on how supply can meet demand.

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2016 Natixis Global Retirement Index

Publication Year: 2016  / Sources: Natixis Global Asset Management and CoreData Research

The Global Retirement Index (GRI), Survey included 7,100 investors in 22 countries.

GRI is a multi-dimensional index developed by Natixis Global Asset Management and CoreData Research to examine the factors that drive retirement security and to provide a comparison tool for best practices in retirement policy. The index incorporates 18 performance indicators, grouped into four thematic sub-indices, which have been calculated on the basis of reliable data from a range of international organizations and academic sources. It takes into account the particular characteristics of the older demographic retiree group in order to assess and compare the level of retirement security in different countries around the world.

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Legal Analysis of The Prosecution of Four Mother Nature Activists

Publication Year: 2016  / Sources: Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR)

Legal Analysis aims to examine whether the charging of the four charged persons, along with the lengthy pre-trial detention of​the three detainees, is reasonable and sufficiently supported by the available evidence. This Legal Analysis:
1. Provides factual​context and background for the case
2. Introduces the facts of the case, the charges against all four charged persons, the​detention of three of the charged persons, and the enforced exile of Alejandro Gonzalez-Davidson from Cambodia
3. Provides​an overview of the applicable domestic law and binding international human rights standards
4. Conducts an analysis of the​charges and applies the law to the reported facts
5. Explores a number of related legal issues, including Alejandro Gonzalez-Davidson’s right to be present at his trial, and the legality of the prolonged pre-trial detention of the other three detainees
6. Concludes that the prolonged pre-trial detention of the three activists is arbitrary, the accessory offense is inappropriate in​relation to Alejandro Gonzalez-Davidson, and the charge against the three detained charged persons is unfounded due to the​lack of evidence against those charged.

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Off the Streets: Arbitrary Detention and Other Abuses against Sex Workers in Cambodia

Publication Year: 2010  / Sources: Human Rights Watch

In Cambodia, those tasked with upholding the law are often those who inflict some of the worst abuse. Sex workers in particular know this to be true. Women and girls involved in sex work face beatings, rape, sexual harassment, extortion, arbitrary arrest and detention, forced labor, and other cruel and degrading treatment at the hands of police, public park security guards, government officials, and those working in the centers and offices run by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans, and Youth Rehabilitation (MOSAVY).

Sex workers told Human Rights Watch that police officers beat them with their fists, sticks, wooden handles, and batons that administer electric shocks. Police officers also threatened sex workers with guns. In several instances, police officers raped sex workers while they were in police detention. Some sex workers described being detained in Social Affairs centers under horrific conditions, with restricted freedom of movement, experiencing or witnessing beatings or rapes, and inadequate food and medical care.

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Dragged and Beaten: The Cambodian Government’s Role in the October 2015 Attack on Opposition Politicians

Publication Year: 2016  / Sources: Human Rights Watch

At midday on October 26, 2015, some two dozen men viciously assaulted two opposition parliamentarians as they left Cambodia’s National Assembly following an anti-opposition demonstration outside the building. Kung Sophea and Nhay Chamraoen of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) were dragged from their cars and beaten, kicked, and stomped on.

The injuries to Sophea and Chamraoen were extensive. Sophea suffered a broken nose and welts and bruises to his head. Repeated kicks to the back resulted in severe lower back pain. He suffered a sprained finger and a bruised shin. His right eardrum was torn, requiring an operation. Chamraoen suffered three fractures in his right wrist and underwent a five-hour operation on his eye socket, as a broken bone below the eye was pushing up into the socket, endangering the eye. He also had a broken nose, a broken front tooth, a bruised left wrist, and significant chest pain.

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Protections for Marginalised Urban Women: DUTY BEARERS and Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

Publication Year: 2015  / Sources: Care Cambodia

This research was funded by the Australian Government under CARE’s Protections for Marginalised Urban Women project. The contents of this research can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the Australian Government.

The specific objectives of this study are:
• To analyse the current knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of key duty bearers on GBV–including analysis on GBV in general, on GBV as it is experienced by targeted vulnerable women – and general attitudes and behaviors towards targeted vulnerable women
• To identify leverage points for change, and assess drivers of change (i.e. incentives)
• To develop recommendations to inform future interventions.

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Lower Sesan 2 Hydropower Dam: Current Livelihoods of Local Communities

Publication Year: 2012  / Sources: The NGO Forum on Cambodia

The main purpose of this study is to seek to understand the current livelihood status of the people who will affected by the proposed Lower Sesan 2 Hydropower Dam and to present people’s views and awareness on project, impacts, compensation and resettlement.

This research is divided into two phases, i.e., the baseline research and the final research. The report on baseline research shows only information during the stage when people have not resettled. The collection of information for the final research will be made 2-3 years after people moved to new places due to the construction of the proposed dam to make a comparison of livelihoods before and after resettlement.

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